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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Chris

A very perceptive and astute account. Please be careful. Can't wait for part 3.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Chris

Thank you Chris. I can read between the lines that it boils down to the white van. How come police has never investigated it. How come Chris is the first one to tell us about it. This case stinks like a sewer.

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Very astute questions Ralf. It should make any curious person start to wonder. While I haven't delved into sorting through all the detail, Nikki will have been bundled into a vehicle to be removed without any signs. That van represents a prime candidate

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I agree Chris. Its the first time i hear about the white van. This blows my head again. He or they took a risk when they dragged her from the bench area to the van. But then again, they had more time than i originally thought. 38 minutes, from 9.22 when she was attacked to about 10.00. Plenty of time to hide out, waiting for the right opportunity to return to the van without being seen by anybody. At first thought it points to two bastards for surveillance reasons and swiftness. Just my opinion. But then again, Nikki was only little. It could as well have been just one 6ft bloke.

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One minute the van was red then we are told it was white! So were there two vans or did it have a quick respray?

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Based on Helen O'Neill's witness statement its the white van thats of significance

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Thank you Chris, for All Hard Work gone into providing us with this information.

What a Sorry State of Affairs, the lack of integrity or honesty, with people we are Suppose to Trust.

The World Is a Mad place, and I can't see it changing for the better.

I need to read your piece again, Brain Fog.

Take Care Chris and Thanks again.

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Very interesting read again. What I’m struggling to understand though is why have her family accepted the inquest outcome, do they not think there’s something curious about the whole thing?

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They know full well. I have disclosed the main reason (though not explicitly) on a few occasions. I choose to build on the facts and present it all, rather than expose what a very small number of us are aware of from the start

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I’m no expert but are there any situations where life insurance companies wouldn’t pay off the mortgage etc. Just a thought why maybe accidental death would be more agreeable.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Chris

Very good read very well detailed information. Corrupt poor actor's

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Chris

Thanks for the reply Chris I guess I’m just getting ahead of myself lol. My head is frazzled with all this new knowledge and it’s making me very sceptical about things that have happened (or did they happen) like the Titan 🤔

I’m looking at everything differently and wondering who on earth can be trusted 🤷‍♀️

I look forward to your next blog 👍🏻

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That is great news Patricia and I'm hoping many more will feel as you do. It feels disorientating but imagine yourself as a young child full of wonder. Nothing to be afraid of, it'll be amazing when you come out the other side as if reborn. Sounds a bit cryptic but best I can explain. I've been on this journey is how I know🙏

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I never believed the ‘fell in river’ theory right from the start. The way LP conducted the case and all the witnesses and time lines changing were just a bit off to me. I must admit I kinda thought PA had something to do with it 😳 especially when the grainy video was released to a YouTuber 🤷‍♀️and there was never any real proof Nicola was in the field, no cctv of her. The ‘is it Emma or Nicola ‘in the video etc had me not knowing what was going on 🤪

I was in work last night having a discussion about it and I actually sounded like I knew what I was talking about 🤣🤣 but I ended up giving everyone the link so they could read all your blogs themselves, as you can explain it better than me 😃

I look forward to the next one 👍

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Chris

Everything you say makes perfect sense even if I didn’t work it out for myself, but I’m not as observant as you nor could I write about it in a way that others could understand. You’ve explained very well what happened but I’m still not sure about the (Why) why did it happen. If it has some connection to Nicola’s family haulage business, then why Nicola? How can (whoever is behind this) make everyone take part in the charade, especially her family? I would never allow anybody to make me turn a blind eye to the murder of my daughter. There’s so many people taking part in this but I don’t know why?

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This has been included in not so many words and I'll make reference to it again in a piece middle next week more or less dedicated to Jason Rothwell. It's the piece of the puzzle that is hardest for people to come to terms with. It's not a race though

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The three words thing is a big part .He knew where to look for her .He was asked to help by a “family member “

Nobody has asked who that was and that’s important .

Three words is an app used for location when you are lost and he used them for that specific spot .

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Is that you Jason?

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This will have been very useful for JR to know he was standing in the right place for the photoshoot on the Saturday afternoon - all the photos of him then published in Sunday's papers to help manifest the (fake) reality in people's minds.

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Also Jason subsequently said that the body was actually floating down the middle of the river and stopped when caught in the branches so those 3 words could only have been given as a location if it was already there.

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All just distraction and a little lying toad. This will all be in a post next week

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I have something of importance for you x

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Hi Sasha. You can email me Chrisness70@btinternet.com 🙏Thanks. I've been taking a few days out but back in UK tomorrow, ready to pick up where I left of.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Chris

Thank you again Chris for all your work on this. Is there anything else from the media handout that stood out to you? Especially regarding the Fitbit or autopsy? As you mentioned, the statements by Armour seem to only scratch the surface of what could be, and should be, examined to rule death by drowning.

With the Fitbit, I know I keep banging on about this, but they need to explain how the battery lasted 8 days. They need to explain how they got 9 days of detailed data off a device that only stores 7 days of data. They need to explain why they didn't have data on oxygen saturation, breathing rate, etc, or else didn't share it.

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I never look at media handouts other than to take note of misinformation they print. Armour will have been selected for the role. I've requested under FOI the information pack DC Greenhalgh was sitting on for Fitbit. Unfortunately rather than successfully manipulate data to support their lie, the bare bones of what was presented provides a case in itself for a judicial review (supporting abduction and murder)

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Great blog Chris,Please look at Maui Real Estate ( Eric West ) There is a testimony from an arboritist with over 30yrs experience, that so called 'Wild' fires both in Maui, California and even 9/11 have very unnatural signatures, DEWs being suspected. I myself was wondering if there maybe a connection with Aerospace tech. Hence the disappearance of certain people..who may of uncovered naffarious plans .

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Thank you Felicity. 🙏This is definitely one for another day though. What's happening in Maui is tragic and while I consciously make references that many of you will naturally pick up on being very much aware, I'm committed to staying the course and for the time being seeking to progress justice for Nikki and her daughters. A balance between jumping between the big picture and the plainer details of simply who has involvement and what happened on 27th Jan.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Chris

Thanks for your account. I’ve been following yourself and Ivy and find both your accounts the most feasible. I can’t move away from the saying “money is the route of all evil” but trying to find how this would collate into this “drama” of events. Look forward to your conclusion x

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Money is the motive in many a crime. This is not a significant aspect here however, which I hope to clearly show in coming posts

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Chris

Thanks for your reply and I will look forward to you putting forward your conclusions as my head is “whirring” xx

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What if you're looking in the wrong place re the money, what if there's more to it than just 'money'

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There is another thing for Chris to look into. The family must know that it stinks. How did the establishment scum turn them around? It was the family's lawyers who pushed for accidental death. Is it just insurance payout or were they threatened. If it was my daughter, i would not rest until the truth comes out.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Chris

Just to be clear, Helen O'Neill is the one who heard the scream and saw the white van on Allotment Lane? Is it a possibility that she's the same person who mentioned the gate being wide open?

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Yes, that's correct. I can't substantiate where the rumour of a gate being open or otherwise arose, but my suggestion is that this will not have been Helen O'Neill - definitely not at the inquest - as there wasn't any mention of her being in Allotment Lane (rather in her back garden)

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Yes Chris, I understand that your quest is to get justice for poor Nicola and her girls and l am by no means trying to distract you from uncovering the truth, but what if they are connected, given that Nicola was looking into the missing man from Aerospace, Paul had also worked for Aerospace. That is what l was getting at. Perhaps Nicola found out something, who knows...??

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There's much that I've looked into that I've not written on. After looking quite closely there is no evidence that I could find to suggest that Nicola was looking into Derek Clayton - nothing beyond her sharing a police FB missing appeal post as did many at the time. Consequently I've treated it as a dead end. However, I would place a bet that his disappearance is equally nefarious and possibly even ties back to the same crime syndicate, but just not an avenue that can yield any results seeing as he remains a mystery in his own right.

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Thank you Chris. Been following you from day 1. The system is very corrupt. I was destroyed during my 5 year court case with my ex husband. I proved money laundering. Holding companies were formed via Barbara kahan ie Finchley Road in 2009. The judge ignored it all and I lost my business worth 3.5ml £, and my home and left with legal bills of over £300,000.

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Oh Sasha. Words fail me. I'm so sorry😭🙏

Yes, Barbara Khan and all the criminal activity being facilitated through registered companies at the Finchley Road address. I'm financially literate, started out in Big 6 audit firm, as a trainee uncovered fraud at one of the clients (you're not meant to see anything), so it was covered up - nothing to see. I decided to move out of audit and left that year. I hope you've been able to rebuild your life since and embrace the most precious things in life - the rest of it you can't take with you when all's said and done.

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That would have been hard for you as I sense you are a kind and pure soul. My court case knocked me sideways. It was my first time experiencing the corrupt system in the UK. I knew it existed but was shocked at the huge level I faced. I was the last case for the Judge. He retired after my case. I am of the opinion he was paid handsomely by my ex and the friend who helped him. 2ml was transferred to Thailand in one year alone. I even found the ‘patsy’ but nothing went further. I was banned by the court showing evidence during the trial. I am ok. Thanks for asking. I have ptsd due to the bullying tactics used in court. One woman against 10 men. And I was banned from appealing the decision. Case closed. But I just wanted to tell you how I admire your passion in the Nicola Bulley case. It’s been so easy for me to see the corruption. I never trusted Dr Adeley since I read about a case he sat on as a coroner. Accidental death. A woman had strangled herself by getting her collar of her pyjamas or dressing grown on the oven door while she was cooking sausages for breakfast. How he came to that decision baffles me. For someone that is supposed to do the right thing for a person who has passed away. So many questions about Nicola’s case that the appropriate people just ignored. Been a shambles from day 1. Thank you for all you are doing. As well as Ivy. I enjoy reading your blogs and it’s everything that I agree with. People need to open their eyes. Take care. Looking forward to the next part xx

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Secret societies, but there's enough out there all about these, we'll say no more. Thank you Sasha🙏 - I got here, but not without being tested and overcoming a few hurdles as we must all do along the way. Keep well

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Definitely. Thank you so much for replying. You take care too xx

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Finchley Rd was mentioned during the time NB was still missing, any connection?

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Unless qualified in finance this is more a distraction than anything. Tens of thousands of criminal enterprises have registered companies through certain agencies- in addition to legitimate businesses. It doesn't lead anywhere in and of itself.

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I do think that there is a lot that doesn't add up. However I would be less sceptical of your analogy of it weren't for the fact that you believe that every major event in life is a conspiracy and that just isn't true. So I wait with I terest to see what your closing account is

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I can take a guess what you're referring to. I can only hope you make the leap. You can lead a horse to water........ There are no mysteries in life. Nothing is baffling nor doesn't add up. I wish you luck. Be careful who you beLIEve

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