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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Chris

I love reading your explanation of events, you really are very knowledgeable and observant and so articulate in your delivery. I was one of ‘those people’ that believed Paul leaked the information about Nikki’s vulnerabilities to LP 😳 and I’m probably wrong about a lot of other things too. So you need to start writing quicker coz the suspense is too much for me lol

I look forward to part 2

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Thank you Patricia. That's kind. It's very understandable (and I wasn't directing that comment at you 😂). I just try to build it up from a solid base. There are some critical questions that need answering and they won't come from the media or our natural personal biases. Part 2 coming soon👍

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I can’t wait 😀

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looking forward too part 2 x

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Chris

Hi Chris

Its refreshing that you are still sticking with this cover-up. There are a couple of points that I picked up on. The witness said that the only other people in the field at the time at 9.15 was penny and another dog walker. That would mean Penny was there at the time Nicola went missing and would have seen what happened to her. The other point I picked up on is they say that vegetation was found on her foot, so what happened to her boot, did she loose it, did they search for it. There was also no mention if there was salt water in her lungs or fresh water. The other point is if she went in at the bench that is a non tidal water, the police diver said that she had float in the non-tidal water and went over the weir, the coroner when he concluded he said that Nicola sank to the bottom of the river, which is it, it cannot be both. There was also no mention of how long she had been in the water. As far as the bruises go she would have had to be alive to receive them, I also cannot see how you can have blood on her chin when she was in water, I find this strange. How I come to the Fitbit, she walked 4580 step which is equal to 1.97 miles, I used a post code from the primary school to penny's farm. That amounts to 0.57 miles, so is there anyway some one could work out the area of the walk around the field to see where it stops, this would give the area she went in (if she did)? I am not sure but I don't think that a Fitbit would register a heart beat if it was not a heart beat according to the information available, it works of electrical output in your veins from what I understand,.

I hope you don't mind we commenting my views and opinions, take care Chris

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Hi Christine - the snag is some of what you base this on is misinformation from the media (Penny was never in the field at 9.15 for example). Lots of good observations on testimonies and most people I'd hope realise that Nikki never went in that river at any point. WIth this the apparent discrepancies of bruising, blood etc make much more sense. Next blog shouldn't be too long - quite key

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Morning Chris

I was watching live and it was reported that in the inquest a witness said quote "the only other person that she saw was Penny @ 9.15 and another dog walker, is this in not correct?, I know we had to rely on media to report, if so can you let me know what the witness actually said and do you have a copy at all that we can all look at that tells us the actual inquest notes, thanks Chris for your reply

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I imagine you are referring to claims from Clare Chesham ('seeing' Penny in Allotment Lane @ 9.15) and also 'Richard Fife' - other dogwalker? I take it my most recent blog and conclusion to the set relating to the inquest itself clarifies

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Chris

Reports from the inquest differ as to how NB interacted with her phone at 9.18. In the coroner's summary report, he says that NB 'interacted with her phone at 9:18 AM when she adjusted the volume'. So do other reports which seem to be transcripts from the inquest; 9.18:01am and 9.18:11am - Analysis shows Ms Bulley 'used' the volume buttons on her phone. These reports do not specify if the volume was turned up or down.

However, the family's legal team have said twice in a statement, that the evidence shows that NB 'increased' the volume on her phone. This seems to have become the prevailing understanding that she turned the volume up as she left the phone on the bench to go to put the harness on the dog. As far as I can tell the evidence from the inquest doesn't specify whether the volume was turned up or down. It just says the volume buttons were used which is why the coroner in his summary has said the volume was 'adjusted'. If the volume was turned up then why would he not say it was turned up instead of saying she 'adjusted' the volume.

This could be quite important as 'using' or 'adjusting' the volume buttons means that at 9.18 NB could have turned the volume down instead of up, to talk to someone who had approached her. Then she may have screamed and had a heart rate spike four minutes later at 9.22 when the person she encountered abducted her or grabbed her arm where the bruises were found.

This abduction, if it is what happened, likely happened in the top field where she was last seen by a witness. NB was not seen at the bench area where she is said to have fallen in the river.

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I noted the volume "was changed" on phone at 9.18am. Under FOI I have since requested the presentation slides that were used for the testimony itself

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This all makes sense to what really happened to Nicola to much corruption going in this country and shouldn’t be happening

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Chris

Brilliant work. Justice for Nikki. Thank you Chris.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Chris

Just re-read this and am wondering if the 'she's struggling' comment may not have been regarding her mental health but a literal meaning after perhaps being abducted and drugged?

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That's an interesting observation. As I made clear I'm very suspicious of AMF without whom this would not have featured anywhere. Convenient not to require her to testify under oath. We know NB was not in any way struggling in the way LP wanted people to believe and given the timing of the call you make a good point.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Chris

Chris have you got an yt channel would love to follow

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No, I don't Gail. I couldn't possibly do anything like that. Wouldn't know where to start. I've never been invited to explain anything I've ever writen on to any other Youtuber incidentally. So just Ivy who continues to produce her great videos having made much of what I write on public 🙌

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Chris

Ok thanks I have subscribed to iveys channel

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Am l right in thinking you are from the US yet managed to get to the inquest? That's quite an achievement. I agree with a lot of what you say. From the early days l couldn't believe a police force could be so inefficient and when Becky was appointed l knew there was much more to the case than a misper mum. I have wondered if she is in a WP programme or got killed in the staged abduction. Look forward to your next offering.

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No, I'm a Brit (well, half French😂).

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Thank you once again Chris

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Have you got an email ?

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You can reply to any of the emails you have received Felicity

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Police neglected to release Nicolas GPS info which is Key. I know you don't feel this way about the MIB(One of the two suspicious fisherman spotted that day) But He plays a HUGE role in Nicola going missing that day imo.

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Nope. MIB a total misdirection. Also LP didn't neglect to do anything as all their activity has been managed and coordinated. They did go to great lengths at the inquest to confirm they could not determine Nikkis movements from phone tracking data even 'reconstructing' it with their own field experiment. It didn't seem that convincing but then also if it's to be believed its a contradiction (and another lie) to previous 'handset moving' statement that DSI Smith had everyone to believe. Shouldn't be hard to spot contradictions that are proof thar lies are being routinely spread

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Hi Chris,

Do you know if a transcript of the inquest will be made available? I have emailed the coroner this morning...It’s been noted that Nicola Bulley pressed her volume button at 9:18 AM, and other sources have claimed that she pressed her volume AND her side on/off button on her iPhone. Do you have any idea which version of events is the accurate one?

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There's no transcript only a recording. I noted everything of material importance in my opinion. The police digitial 'expert' earlier stated the volume was 'changed', and it was the barrister (in discussion with Paul later) that referred to the volume being 'increased' at 9.18am. Nothing more

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There’s a recording? Available to the public? How come the Daily Mail stated that the volume and side button were used at 9:18 AM? Any idea where that came from?

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The recording will not see the light of day and won't be made available to the public. Principally as it proves their cover-up. Next best thing I've now posted a blog and explained it as best I can. The media have their scripts prepared for them in cover-ups. Yes - the script writers

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Heap of shite. You conspiracy theory nuts think you know everything. 😅

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Nice intelligent comment Mr Klbe. I particular like the way you identify a specific point by way of example. Oh no wait! I see now you didn't. Jog on

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Chris

If you dont agree with someone then have the courtesy to explain why, backed up with your reasons as to why you think they are wrong. People like you just name call because you can’t prove that Chris is wrong, and that’s because he isn’t.

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So where is your rebuttal then?

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Hi Alison "Roid" rage? Road? I don't pay any attention to the many Youtube grifters out there and the quite visible plants.

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I see. Yes its quite obvious he's on steriods. I have no interest in Curtis and his private life beyond the need to have exposed him for being a key asset in deceiving people all this time in relation to what happened to Nikki. I hope I've made it clear enough in my blogs.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Chris

I promise, I'm following along 100% of what both of you are clearly, clearly showing us. I get super frustrated when people watch ivy's videos and then comment that Curtis was getting so close....if only he could keep sleuthing. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ it truly makes me want to pull my hair out.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Chris

Learning about all of this......through your blog and Ivy's videos has been mind blowing. It's utterly terrifying to know that this has been going on. Never in a million years would I have noticed this. But once you see it..... I just googled a little about Dr A and learned about Ellie Williams. Oh my God! Could it be the same damn thing?

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Don't let it terrify you - though this is quite natural. It's a bit like the trauma of birth, a process of being reborn. Frightening at first but hold onto the knowledge you're escaping from their webs of deceit, that you're not like them and you'll remain free. Not well explained but it'll all be okay🙏

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