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Hey there, bless you , great names and minds think alike! The more whisky PF drank , the more came out ! Exit stage left !!

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deletedDec 8, 2023Liked by Chris
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Luke was rather red in the face I thought, holding out for his vase of red ! The whole thing was just strange .

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

Debbie won’t be getting acting jobs any time soon, a wee bit OTT 🙄 and I’d be inclined to believe she was looking at a completely different photograph than the one Luke saw.

Has Luke never heard of ‘less is more’ one minute he couldn’t see anything at all, not even the second time because he’s just an ordinary Joe 🤷‍♀️but when it was enlarged he could see everything. He could see arms, legs, he could even see it was a woman because her hips were smaller than a man’s which is very observant of him as she would’ve had a long coat on. He needs to let Mindjuice know that her leg wasn’t cut off 🙄

I can’t honestly believe that Law Enforcement outside of Lancashire are believing one word of this 💩 show. I’m just an ordinary ‘Joe’ and I don’t believe ONE BLOODY WORD OF IT 🙄

Why do you think Ivy was so complimentary to Peter? I noticed her in the chat a few times saying nice things to him. Is she another one Chris? 🤯🙈

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I know some things I'm not prepared to share right now. Not for my sake, that's all I'll say. Continue to watch very carefully. I remain open to be challenged on absolutely everything I ever say (provided it's an intelligent comment😂).

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Oh, that’s me out then 🤣🤣

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I still have tons of faith in Ivy.🙏 She has never called out anyone, it used to frustrate me, but now I understand it's just her personality. It's actually very wise, as you attract more bees with honey than vinegar.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

That is true Alison. It’s also better to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer 👍

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Oh my God Patricia, I laughed out loud reading your comment about mind juice and the leg!!!!!!🤣😂

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I know I shouldn’t be so flippant about something so tragic, but I couldn’t help it 🤣

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Peter F. said “Believe Me”…when someone says those words they mean “I really want and need you to believe every word I’m saying”….so I think the complete opposite! Oooh shudder, I feel sick after listening to that interview 🤢. As I mentioned before, wonder what his price is? 🤔🤑

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Be'LIE've me 😵‍💫. I'll give my opinion on his price in the audio.

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It'll be to his ego - a place in authority somewhere. He must be utterly sick of dragging dead people out of places by his time of life and it's apparent he craves attention and status. No retiring to tend the alpacas here, I'd wager.

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Yeh I agree. He doesn’t look like he needs a few bob, I’d say he wants the attention more. I’m sure there’s a few more books in him yet 🤔

I don’t know why he needed to sell his soul, he was well respected by the public and did good things for families in distress, there was no need for this kind of publicity 🤷‍♀️

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Laughs, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the £, bet it’s a huge golden handshake!

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After watching 😴 this total charade , for some time I haven't been able to work him out , but the ultimate joke for me was P saying I am very angry and I am going to be sending letters to The Home Secretary and Prime Minister re my "new" information ? , but not before Christmas ? Ah not immediately angry then It was an F up for me but not foetal !

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Yet again Chris , brilliantly executed! It has to be said , throughout last nights q & a , WTAF?? It’s officially pantomime season, fact . 3hrs of to you .... to me .

Rentaghost !! Wow .. back in the day , my favourite!

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Heather, indeed, Laurel and Hardy came to mind and that was just the trailer. Unfortunately they are turning a real tragedy into a farce.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Chris

He couldn't stop telling everyone what good connections he had and even have them round for tea...

I only watched / listened out of curiosity to the Bullshit. He made it all about him not nikki. He gave out all the dots only for us to join them up and see through the evil.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

Drum roll we have another witness to the "Sonar ",and guess what its another medium!

No other member of the public can see this and" Im going away for a break so might send it to the powers in the home office when I get back".PLEASE! You just shot yourself in the foot Peter.

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Anyone remember Suella Braverman, prior Home Secretary?😏 This will not be the route to get justice of course

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The sonar photographs are being viewed by the butcher , baker and the medium it seems . Why?? Break the Ice has cast his eyes over them why?? Anymore for anymore?

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

they were seen by the "Sun "newspaper ,any one seen that ,not that it will make any difference.who can say who it is in the sonar.

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Not showing them out of respect to the family seems to have gone out of the window rather quickly, that is if the sonar being shown actually is Nicola, I don't believe it is for a second.

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deletedDec 8, 2023Liked by Chris
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Grizzly Adams 😂😂

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Very disappointed in the Peter show

Full of I did this and I did that. Nothing for his team. So suspicious of what he is saying and not a peep until the report came out, so the attention would be on him and not the COP report. But why, what will he achieve?

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His role is to have the lid firmly nailed down on this cover-up. He's well-connected with "very VERY senior people" don't you know😉 Imagine my surprise to hear that parasites in the shadows are backing him.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

PF he doth protest too much.....

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

Questioned multiple times how he could have left Nikki knowing she was there. After hearing how he obeyed orders to how he handled Ellis Downes case he can also go forth and multiply. Nikki is being lost in this farcade.

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There are many things they hadn't really thought through for their script. Different lies and anomalies register with different people, but it's all the same in the end. Another deception to conceal the truth.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

I'd love to know your stance on what occurred to merit this charade we're witnessing. Dark waters indeed!

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deletedDec 8, 2023Liked by Chris
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PF has a photographic memory !!

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Apart from when he's meant to remember when he first told LK about the images and then subsequently showed him - of course this is all crap. It went clean out of his head. Fortunately LK was able to jump in and save him - that was his line

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Mmmm. That made my ears prick up.

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yes every time that question popped up his regulators took it down

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

I only got to watch this morning. Wow to it being removed. How controlling. Doesn't fit their narrative/illusion!. He won't share sonar out of respect, quite right, but then to show youtuber, psychic and ambulance guy yet again contradicts his words. Fell from grace last night for me.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

Hi Chris, thank you so much for wading through all of this🙏. I could not stomach reading the 150 page report, or watching the faulding/kelly shit show interview. I GREATLY appreciate you suffering through the bullshit and highlighting the key points for us, I don't put my trust in people lightly anymore but I do trust your assessment of all of this crap. My question is....now that they have played their last card (where hero Peter's sliminess slipped out), what can we expect? What can we do? How can we help? Also.....I think I'm correct in that there is nothing else to wait for in terms of their duck feet furiously peddling under water. So do you have a plan in mind? Do you have any ideas beyond what you have graciously shared? Wow.....I'm all teary now. All of this mind control, hoodwinking, deception, misdirection, lies, deceit, corruption, leading us caring sheeple astray. How do we go forward? How do we help Nicola? How do we make a difference? I'm at a complete loss. 😓

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There's a bit of time now so stay upbeat. For the very first time we know exactly what they are planning to do, rather than waiting to see how they're going to get away with the next sham. An audio to follow👍

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Chris

PF has also reposted Laura Richards (Crime Analyst) YT video of her thoughts on the CoP review, stating she’s very credible.

This is prior to her Pt.2 video due soon of her thoughts on PF’s recent revelations… is he attempting to manipulate and preempt the outcome of this video in his favour?

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I only vaguely know of the woman you're referring, never watched anything she has done. I will however use my powers of deduction and ability to put two and two together to suggest that it provides quite a clue that she knows which side her bread is buttered. I'd suggest putting to one side anything that you think you know about her, watch and listed very carefully if you must. Such a poor time to join the circus.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris

Is there something to think about to add to the mix of narrative being put out, Channel 5 who were the channel that gave the speedy interview with Nicola’s husband Paul after she went “missing”. Then they now have a tv series with the same Coroner involved with Nicola, “ Cause of Death”? Based in Lancashire.

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Oh yes. And who was in the studio with Dan Walker Channel 5 (Vanished) 10th Feb? - MWT & PF. This is season 2 for 'cause of death' but still, its all to draw the herd into some dystopian nightmare. We shall rise above it, expose them all, and see justice served.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Chris

Thank you again chris all i see now is manipulation towards you know who and the arrogrance is out standing on the interview so all i can say to you chris your simply the best better than all the rest justice will come sooner all later bless you chris love your blogs so true

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🙏We're all as one and we're that step closer to justice being served

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Check out my emails to Wyre Council on 3.2.2023 & on 8.2.2023 in Facebook group 'Justice for Nicola Bulley via a 2nd Inquest'

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Agreed, there is absolutely a need for a 2nd inquest which they are seeking to prevent at all costs. A step closer now following the ridiculous Q&A distraction act from the 7th Dec.

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I agree with you that niki was never in the river

Great again Chris well written x

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