Welcome and thanks for having subscribed to my Substack. I thought it only reasonable to do you the courtesy of introducing myself, or at least partially.
· Who am I?
· Why I have I written this initial two-part review on Nicola Bulley?
· What’s next?
Who am I?
Firstly, you’d never have guessed….. but I’m not a writer. I never envisaged starting to write but I hope that with some practice I’ll improve. Give me maths and problem solving any day, writing was never something that much appealed.
However, with the world turning on its head three years ago it put things into perspective.
End of 2019 I’d contemplated winding down for a quieter life and to enjoy more leisure time, having been fortunate to experience a varied and interesting career mainly in automotive, transport and logistics.
However, along came the national lockdown and with lots of time on my hands I started to look more deeply into what was really going on. I’d become extremely curious and felt the urge to start asking a lot of questions. Steadily, bit by bit and day by day, open-minded research set me off on a journey that continues with no sight in end.
I spent a lot of time reading up on and learning about technical topics that I simply didn’t have a background in. Over the course of months, I started to explore a wide range of fascinating subjects, historical events and fundamental beliefs we all share and take for granted. Our collective indoctrination since birth runs deep making unlearning and relearning both challenging but exceptionally rewarding too.
Without dwelling further on the last few years, the likes of which has no parallel in history, it’s increasingly apparent that we’re reaching a defining moment in time, a fork in the road that will define the future of humanity. We alone in all human history have the privilege of having front row seats to witness the events that will define everything to come. What a time to be alive!
So as not to bore you, in short, who I am is not especially important compared to what I write. I’m writing for myself, so to be able to look myself in the mirror, to speak out and know that come what may I’ll not be victim to pervasive psychological manipulation and brainwashing, nor ever to sell my soul at any price. As per the name of my favourite band’s latest album release from a few days ago, ‘Memento Mori’ (meaning “remember that you must die”), when we reach our final hour I believe the only thing that can provide comfort ahead of what comes next is having never forsaken integrity.
I’m not a religious person, but to anyone familiar with the Common English Bible, Proverbs 2:13 – 15 resonates with me:
“They forsake the way of integrity and go on obscure paths. They enjoy doing evil, rejoicing in their twisted evil. Their paths are confused; they get lost on their way.”
With that, my promise is that I’m committed to writing what others dare not and will always provide facts from which to review as best I can what they unequivocally mean, or else what they strongly signify on the balance of probabilities. I’m not dependent on anyone for anything, I answer to no-one, and consequently I have the rare, much-cherished liberty and freedom to expose what I chose to.
I’ll never charge anything as I’m driven by higher values and my reward comes from staying true to myself. It’ll be a treasured bonus if in the process I’m able to connect with members of my soul tribe.
Finally, while who I am remains unimportant, I’m not fazed to put my head above the parapet to discuss and critically review every aspect of what I’ve written so far towards seeking justice for Nicola Bulley. However, that’d require there to be a single media outlet that would dare, in good faith, to bring attention to it to a wider audience. I ask you the following question: does it disturb you at all that there’s a conspiracy of silence regarding certain matters? So much for a free press with journalist integrity.
Why I have I written this initial two-part review on Nicola Bulley?
Partly in frustration with hammering away on Twitter for the last couple of years hoping that if enough of us were shouting from the rooftops then we might experience an awakening among the wider population, a population hopelessly captured by the ongoing psyops, unaware of the direction things are moving in. How naïve I must have been. Not one to enjoy banging my head against a brick wall, this will prove more rewarding.
Also, I’m not a good enough communicator to address the finer geopolitical points and background surrounding such issues as the war in Ukraine (or is it WW3 yet?), when up against the sheer might of propaganda and psychological warfare that continues to be inflicted on the masses. There are some brilliant writers that tackle these weightier issues and I’d urge everyone to turn off their televisions, put the newspapers down and seek them out.
Consequently, I’ve set my sights on exposing what lies behind Nicola Bulley’s murder seeing as to my knowledge there isn’t a single other (comprehensive) account to depict what has taken place. If the ‘Establishment’ can really get away with brushing a high-profile case of a single ordinary individual from a small village in England under the carpet, it doesn’t provide great hope for stopping any other far larger, more complex deception from taking place - of which there are many!
I could have written much more in parts one & two but I drew the line to not explore too much what and why it happened, as there are several theories that fit. Much of this would then be speculation. The priority has first to be about trying to expose the despicable act that’s been carried out. To make it impossible for the authorities to bury it and to force steps toward the real story being discovered with all complicit to face criminal charges.
Before moving on, a good observation was made challenging why I noted Nicola’s phone comms as factual, while debunking virtually everything else. Let me address the approach I adopt, an approach that in my opinion distinguishes a thorough, well-founded review from an out-and-out extreme conspiracy theorist approach. It’s not productive to simply claim that everything is fake and baseless without evidence to support this assertion. Therefore, I reference the starting point to be the official version of events, no matter how absurd, that must be dismantled bit by bit. Anything that can’t be debunked should stay on the table as fact until otherwise shown not to be. I’ll name two very well-known events to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach (to those who are open-minded).
(1) NASA moon landings - there are countless aspects of the official account that have been debunked with evidence to show this to be one of the greatest deceptions of all time.
(2) 9/11 twin towers - there are countless aspects of the official account that have been debunked with evidence to show the demolition of the three towers to be one of the greatest staged domestic terrorist events of all time.
Equally, the lies propagated through television and mainstream media reports from the last three years can dismantled with ease. The truth and concealed facts have always been available with just a little research that exposes the entire fabrication. I won’t repeat comments about controlled opposition, but never underestimate their power of psychological manipulation which works to devastating effect at a subconscious level.
However, leaving all of that to one side and setting a more modest objective, I adopt this rigorous methodology and standard to Nicola Bulley’s murder. It’s for this reason that her phone comms can’t be debunked as there’s isn’t any evidence to do so. There’s also strong circumstantial support to suggest they were an unexpected and inconvenient reality for the perpetrators, scuppering their initial timeline and undoing their narrative of an ‘high risk’, suicidal woman. I hope this provides a sufficient rationale as to the approach I adopt.
What’s next?
My hope, in addition to the premise that Nicola deserves proper justice, is that it may encourage more to either stand up and say enough’s enough and be prepared to be more vocal, or at the least continue to be more attuned to advanced propaganda techniques at work which will prove essential with everything else that’s going on.
For now, I’ll continue to make a nuisance of myself to the authorities and ensure they are in receipt of copies of what I’ve documented so far.
I’ve activated the Substack Chat feature for subscribers only and a brief email will follow to advise how you can access this for free. I encourage and welcome all feedback and thoughts provided it’s connected to what I’ve outlined. I’m fully transparent and very willing to clarify and share perspectives if this helps make progress towards justice being done.
I’m aware that disinformation agents are trying to suppress everything to do with the truth being exposed so I will filter out all the painfully obvious offenders posting asinine diversions or abuse – thanks not to bother! They’re invited to continue their fun and misleading garbage on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok, anywhere but on my Substack. The objective is solely to trigger a genuine review to be instigated that can uncover the injustice of what happened to Nicola Bulley.
As part of my write up I did review all the possible theories. Just as an example, it was feasible a stalker may have been a culprit early on. Why? Because she shared too much information about her routine walks on Facebook which meant this needed consideration. It’s obvious that events moved on somewhat which meant that theory together with so many others could be ruled out, not being supported by what took place. Any account must be able to stand up to scrutiny to everything that has happened.
In conclusion, to my knowledge mine remains the only coherent account relating to Nicola Bulley other than the official (incoherent) narrative the police and media are desperately clinging onto. Everything else remains but a tweet here, a tweet there, with no substance whatsoever behind it.
Thank you for reading. Keep your eyes peeled and an ear to the ground at all times. I look forward to any comments or questions when the chat feature is live.