Never let it be said that I’m not prepared to give a person a second chance. We all make mistakes, but human compassion is such that it’s important to extend an opportunity to address these. Within the space of merely two weeks Peter Faulding with the aid of the Establishment entourage of which he is the focal point, has demonstrated that he remains committed to his course of action. A disappointment but so be it. My priority is therefore to now provide a clearer picture as to how this entourage work hand-in-hand with each other, while creating an appearance to be independent.
Firstly, for the benefit of anyone sat at the back of the room, the compulsion to start with a reminder of the ridiculous caricature of the ‘true crime’ pundit that is Mind Juice who has been brought back into service for this sorry spectacle is overwhelming.
However don’t lose heart, the rest of this post is dedicated to bringing out into the open the last and arguably greatest deception - what I’ll refer to as the Peter Faulding grift. Their intention is to firmly close the book on Nicola Bulley, to prevent justice from ever being served. I’ll explain how this is being managed.
The extract below is taken from my ‘Peter Faulding - the scapegoat’ post from last week, a reference to help continue to tackle the most essential aspects that need to be understood so to dispel confusion. With sufficient perseverance, many more may be able to start to look behind the curtain and find that the scales fall from their eyes.
Extract (from 27th November):-
“In the fewest words possible, in my opinion this sums up their planned strategy from the outset:-
An official narrative that Nicola Bulley tragically fell into the river and drowned. An official (approved) conspiracy theory that she was the victim of foul play by one of a possible number of third parties who have been thrust into the limelight, the result of which was her ending up in the river.
In both official narrative and official conspiracy theory there exists the sterling team effort which resulted in available resources being on hand for an expedient recovery, having predicted the timing for her very discovery. A discovery in both officially sanctioned versions that history will record as being by a ‘member of the public’ as noted within the College of Policing review
Most of you understand the role of gatekeepers and controlled opposition in spite of my previous clumsy efforts to bring this to the attention of a wider audience dating back to posts published March, July and August.
Just as we experienced with the inquest, this final phase of dishonesty and trickery has been many months in preparation. We’re witnessing the fruits of their labour being played out in tandem with the carefully coordinated release of the College of Policing review finally published on Mon 21st November. The pièce de résistance, allegedly at Peter Faulding’s request, will be the live (pre-rehearsed) Q&A on Thurs 7th December.
🤡Mind Juice🤡
Of course, as predicted, the fraud has returned. No matter that he’d been exposed and gone into hiding, when his very own material with nothing added nor modified could provide such comedy and laughter. It might have been hoped that he’d packed up his bags for good to join Eddy’s Vinyl Break somewhere in the ether.
The gatekeeper was used as an example in my first post in March, before using concrete examples (of his own work!) to help convey the message. For reference these were prior posts dated 17th & 18th August. Endless material to choose from, let me remind you once more with another short extract from a gripping July production.😂
Pinch yourself as this is the guy that Peter Faulding is pinning his hopes on to help the Establishment win the day (tweet from 4th December). Yes - he is referring to Mind Juice’s final three hour epic.
This comedic last hurrah as an entertainment act is disappointingly dry to start, playing footage to confirm what we all already know - that PCC Snowden and CEO Andy Marsh are the public figures who have just presided over the final stage of the cover-up with the C.O.P review. This is to draw the audience in, to entrap their minds as he proceeds to meander on through the never-never world of Mind Juice. However, being so long out of circulation the poor chap has forgotten most of the facts around which he use to base his fantasies, so he goes on to just wing it with countless made up and patently false statements expecting that his fanboys and girls won’t notice anyway! Do forgive me if I get a little carried away in the audio of this post to follow🤭(with perhaps an example or three!)
His role is as one of the main support acts to shore up Luke Kelly (Break The Ice) who continues to dupe and manipulate those remaining unaware of the prearranged subterfuge. In the meantime, LK has kicked off his own form of distraction while counting down to the Q&A farce. It’s a circus!
Right, time to focus and get started with laying bare this masterful grand deception.
If asked to frame it super simple for a five-year old the way I’d do this is by explaining that there only two things that the entourage must have everyone believe at all costs. Number one, to have you believe that Peter Faulding is not in fact part of the wider team himself and that he has in his possession a sonar image that shows Nikki curled up in the foetal position at the bottom of the river.🤥 Number two, to have you believe that on the Sunday morning, Nikki was seen bobbing along the river by a member of the public. 🤥
Absolutely nothing else matters, case now closed.
Both lies and sorry to burst your bubble, but Father Christmas 🎅doesn’t exist either. I’m afraid it’s not so different to that very deception all of us with young children have been a part of.
(1) Official narrative
The most logical and easiest place to start. If you remember the British television game show Family Fortunes and were to poll one hundred people in the street to give you their top answer as to what happened to Nicola Bulley, as many as 95% might say that she ‘tragically fell in the river and drowned’. This, by way of vague recollection since knowledge of her disappearance was intentionally devised to enter public consciousness.
It’s understandable as mostly everyone absorbs a barrage of non-stop misinformation being propagated by mainstream media as they go about their daily lives. What better source to evidence this than via BBC News itself, the most-watched network in the UK with some ten million viewers.
From their online news platform, these are the three press releases to mark the final phase that includes the C.O.P. review, that’s it. Following the sham inquest, there was just the one solitary further press release that followed this report below on the ‘findings’. Mainstream media have had to run for cover, found out for the shills they are.
It all started so well for them with forty-four (44!) BBC press releases during the investigation phase itself and a further twenty (20!) to milk it after the staged recovery of Nikki’s body on Sun 19th February. However, since it’s started to go sideways the Establishment know perfectly well they’re in a precarious position and are entirely reliant on their hotch-potch of duplicitous yet inventive online actors to prop up this final gambit.
The three press releases above on 21st November were to reinforce the official accidental narrative, to put the boot into the police for both failing to call it a critical incident early enough as well as releasing personal information details, but also sure to provide a damning account of Peter Faulding’s (PF) involvement.
This has been no more than an important aspect of the very Establishment cover-up of which PF is a key player, the trump card as it has turned out. It requires him to be seen as the fall guy and to be perceived as an anti-establishment figure who has been unfairly treated in order to draw sympathy for the underdog, an expert with an unblemished track record.
Since it’s all a lie it should come as no surprise that a nobody with zero scruples should be recruited as the compère to work with PF. As it crashes down, LK will return to obscurity in due course. How I wish media heavyweights, the likes of Piers Morgan or Jeremy Vine, were the ones involved with the exclusive interview to oversee this cover-up. Regrettably, they ought to be credited with a great deal more nous and would never put themselves in such a compromising position as this.
(2) Official (approved) conspiracy theory
This’ll be a bitter pill to swallow necessary to help deprogram the indoctrination, and instead of using the actual names of these tiring deceivers they’ll be referred to in a generic sense. An exception is the double-act of Mark Williams-Thomas and Peter Faulding in their capacity as two publicly known individuals who have laid it all on the line. They must prepare themselves to have their masks removed and to answer for their roles in due course.
Their supporting gatekeepers have one mission alone and considerable latitude as they work as one with a single purpose to strive to they achieve this. What is this mission?
No criminal investigation, therefore no justice 🎯
That’s it in a nutshell. It prevents what actually happened to Nikki from ever being known. Without a criminal investigation their mission is accomplished and it forever remains a secret protecting those behind it all. The gatekeepers simply fulfil a role while remaining clueless as to what happened, as they’re only minions serving the darkest forces of pure evil.
The opposite of never having a criminal investigation (and no justice) is to have a criminal investigation (and justice). It’s an either/or.
- Criminal investigation & Justice
The easy bit. This involves speaking the unvarnished truth to unmask those who are party to a cover-up of unspeakable crimes that have taken place linked to Nikki’s unlawful death. Under the law there is the requirement for a criminal investigation, the precursor to countless prosecutions.
- NO criminal investigation & NO justice
This is how the entourage operates and when you see it you can’t unsee it.
(One) Peter Faulding is the Establishment’s (‘they’) bitch, accepting his role of having been lambasted by the media reporting on the C.O.P. review. Reputational damage for which there’ll be an unwritten arrangement, the details of which we’ll never know. The stage prop is the sonar image that he must pretend is Nikki. It isn’t. They hope after the investigation and the inquest, that this third and final big attempt at pushing the official narrative will stick.
— SCRIPT: to maintain that Nikki went into the river at the bench and that he found her in the river 7th February, but as she wasn’t recovered then she subsequently drifted on down the river to be found by a member of the public 19th February. PF only has the scope around scenarios as to how she supposedly went into the river by the bench that first morning, but is otherwise constrained. All family and friends are entirely innocent and remain unaware to what happened to Nikki.
(Two) Mark Williams-Thomas has been the Establishment’s first choice as celebrity Investigative crime journalist to firstly assist with helping stir the public up into a frenzy, before now having to fall on his sword since elected to risk it all to defend his Establishment masters. The poodle, as I have previously referred to him, is great friends with Peter Faulding. They go back years together, for example having teamed-up in 2018 as part of a high-profile complex cold case to help the family search for the remains of poor Nicola Payne who disappeared more than thirty years ago and not been seen since.
— SCRIPT: during the investigation to act superior to the police and work at steadily undermining any last ounce of respect that the public might have for them. Job accomplished by just remaining open to all possibilities while the police got hoodwinked from the original 999 call to believe Nikki either jumped/fell into the river. His later coverage of the inquest was the attempt to conceal from the public that the entire thing was a sham, quite a difficult thing to do while maintaining a pretence as a genuine investigative crime journalist. Finally, as wingman to Peter Faulding in this final act, straight into television interviews (e.g. Talk TV) the day the C.O.P. review was released 21st November. Obviously, the exact same script and permitted scope as Peter himself as noted above.
(Three) Social media army:-
> YOUTUBER number one🤡: arch manipulator using soothing background music for his cabaret act, drawing a large number of followers from the very start. With so much deception, changing stories and outright lies, the occasional shutdown and reset of his channel followed by using tactics to remove videos so his followers wouldn’t remember anything.
SCRIPT: a planned ruse that after many hundreds of hours leads up to the climax involving an altercation with an elderly lady at the bench that led to Nikki ending up in the river, while at no point referring to let alone scrutinising the events 23 days later.
> YOUTUBER number two🤡: chief (official) conspiracy theorist from the very start using a potent mix of insightful analysis with outright fantasy and lies, while leaning heavily on the very real societal issue of domestic violence, to draw all attention towards Paul Ansell and Emma White as masterminds in Nikki’s abduction. Lengthy, nonsensical scripts mind-controlling audiences through wordplay.
SCRIPT: a planned ruse in his capacity as flagbearer for official (approved) conspiracy theory, whereby virtually everyone seen in the public eye has conspired together to conceal Nikki’s dumped body, that was secretly recovered before being dumped back in the river to be found bobbing along by a member of the public.
> YOUTUBER number three🤡: an underdog seen to be unfairly treated by the police and many a person’s hero during the investigation phase, after which his role was written out before the inquest itself. Fabulous on the scene video footage of St. Michaels-on-Wyre throughout, casting suspicion on locals and especially to those that are referred to as the caravan gang. Over-excited with his role, he’d set up his dedicated YT channel two days before Nikki was due to be abducted. He has since removed the nine most revealing videos.
SCRIPT: a planned ruse leading up to hypnotic river scenes and machinations over Jason Rothwell to embed the illusion of Nikki’s corpse having bobbed along the river to dupe the audience into believing the official line. All the while, sowing the necessary seeds to provide support to Youtuber number one’s final nonsense as well as Youtuber number two’s fantasy theories.
> YOUTUBER number four🤡: a new kid on the block from July-August that just so happens to be Youtuber number two’s alter ego (he never speaks), with an additional responsibility to distract and confuse Twitter users. Not being quite so well known perhaps so a proper introduction will follow.
SCRIPT: a planned ruse to maximise confusion blending lots of details from the investigation together with planted, fake viral media stories to draw unsuspecting followers down a rabbit hole of extraordinary what ifs. Creative use of video editing fakery to help make plausible the entire work of fiction based on lies that Youtuber number two finally produces as his masterpiece on 3rd December, to cast doubt on Nikki’s very movements that first morning.
> YOUTUBER number five🤡: the current man of the hour coming to the public’s attention during the time of the inquest, a carefully laid plan to build up a reputation by teaming up with Peter Faulding for this final great con. Enough light has been shed on this Youtuber in the prior post.
SCRIPT: a planned ruse to wheedle his way into the front line by demonstrating a healthy dose of perceived criticism of the inquest, albeit careful to position it as a legitimate event. A platform from which to launch the scripted double act with Peter Faulding, endearing himself with a receptive audience who’re conditioned only to see what they want them to see and butter them up for this final deception. Naturally, the exact same script to Peter (as above).
> BLOGGER + TWITTER number six🤡: he, she, it no-one can be sure. One of the anonymous high-functioning individuals that was fully deployed at the end of the inquest with the aim to lead from the front and control the narrative from the fallout. Also tasked to distract and confuse Twitter users in partnership with Youtuber number four, both adept with mind control techniques.
SCRIPT: ‘whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him’. A planned ruse as controlled opposition to lead anyone seeing through the sham toward the story of Paul Ansell and Emma White as the masterminds who’ve deceived everyone to such an extent that the timing and location of Nikki’s very abduction remains a mystery.
Far from all-inclusive, this barely scratches the surface but it does provide the briefest of summaries as to how they all unequivocally support each other while pushing out their own brand of total crap. Occasionally some fabricated in-fighting for show purposes, but otherwise endless mutual promotion that doesn’t need to be explained it’s so obvious. All share the same mission.
For all those caged in this final deception the highlight of which’ll be the pantomime on 7th December, there are two main groups of people. They don’t mind which you’re in provided you remain captured in one of these two groups. This should sound familiar.
On one side, a group that delude themselves they have the first idea about what’s gone on. This would mean that from among the merry gang that are colluding above they’ve been utterly brainwashed by one or the other - frankly who gives a shit which one, it doesn’t matter. Not a good group to be in, an inability to make a distinction between so many inconsistencies. It’s over, best they choose their poison and roll on down the line. Luckily, not a soul from this group will ever read any of my posts (but what a shock if they stumble across the audio to follow😬).
On the other side, a much larger group - many of you - who are confused by contradiction and unanswered questions. That’s only because there are so many different stories, some that sound plausible and some that are beyond absurd. This is the exquisitely coordinated plan that has been put in place to achieve this state of being, to hoodwink you into accepting that it’s Nikki’s body in the sonar image and that said member of the public saw Nikki’s body drifting in the river.
From the Establishment’s perspective, in their book this marks the end of the final chapter. Tough luck for Nikki and her daughters, but they’ll get a chance to see what was written about their mother in due course in what’ll be the only existing accessible reference - the C.O.P review.
To all of those far more insightful than me and so supportive in continuing the endeavour to see that justice is done, thanks for sticking with it🙏.
Malignant entities - an introduction to a member of the ‘A’ team
The Justice Tarot card is part of the Major Arcana, a group of 22 cards in a tarot deck that that signify important life lessons and spiritual growth.
To now draw attention as to how to decipher the reversed Justice Tarot card since this conveys a very different message. It alludes to denial, dishonesty and avoiding responsibility - this card reversed calls to confront a situation before it becomes unmanageable.
The word ‘banders’ refer to those that join a band or a league and associate with others. An entourage if you like.
Let’s give a big hand and show appreciation towards all the hard work this high-functioning US-based deceiver with his many years of training infiltrating and manipulating people to his own ends. Note, the anagram to banders (first word) and justice in reverse (second word).
Whether this is Mind Juice’s alter ego or his apprentice, the jury is still out. However, referring back to an August post of ‘Shadowy, interconnected Establishment bodies’, the burning question many may start to ask themselves in time will be what business might a well-known three-letter agency from the USA have in this international saga?
That would take us back to the why of all of this. Few are prepared for this truth, so we continue for now to focus on stopping the cover-up in it’s tracks.
Wrap Up
Still plenty in the pipeline, but this has been primarily to expose how propaganda works. A tool that has been used to control the masses since time begun. It presents itself in all forms and is remarkably effective. This post, a heads-up to encourage everyone to continue to apply critical thinking which first relies upon accessing the information which is required to be successful. Their lengthy videos are a planned tool to deactivate all forms of critical thinking. This is not a good thing.
The herd that welcome having history rewritten for them to suit the stories they tell themselves are in for a disappointment. The attempts of disingenuous Youtubers to make further videos and twist what has been going on are set to fail. Perhaps now it’ll start to be understood how a documented written account can be effective.
To finish and to state, I have no knowledge of who the woman with this channel is - an important disclaimer for reasons that many will see and may come to understand in time. However, this short video (4th December) is exclusively a compilation of relevant prior interviews with no additional commentary. Peter Faulding speaking in his own words - nothing more, nothing less. Having read this far, I’d recommend it.
Thanks for reading. All constructive** feedback welcome as usual🙏
(**Luke Kelly and wider team - look up the word in a dictionary if you need👍)
Well they say you can't buy integrity but obviously it has it's price where PF is concerned. Shame on him. I didn't manage to listen to much of MJ's youtube but what I did hear he sounded much more uncertain, kept fluffing his words and as if he really was reading a script. Shame on them all. Outstanding work by the way
Thanks Chris I suspected when pF came out with this it didn't sit well with me .you know that gut feeling you get like there's another one coming out from there role to get the publics attention on to them .I've always thought that peter talking to a youtuber was suspect .not professional. that's when the penny dropped for me .and the Q&A is so laughable. a game show .and for the youtubers .I just sit and laugh at there pathetic attempts to lure people into there trap it's so evident when they blatantly give a shout out to other youtubers there army of soldiers .to carry this farce onwards .great work Chris