A change to the original plan to continue directly onto part three of the inquest (timeline) - this will come next.
Previously, it was necessary to expose Curtis Arnold (Curtis Media) for his court jester role throughout the investigation. Ubiquitous with his GoPro he was seemingly never anywhere else other that at St Michaels-on-Wyre as a designated key asset on the ground deceiving his audiences and generally being a nuisance to all the locals. I refer you back to my posts on 24th May: ‘Sunday 19th February - Act I: Alarm raised of a body in the river’ and 11th June: ‘The fateful day: Nicola Bulley’s disappearance’ if you need a reminder as to what he’s really about. Curtis proved an effective distraction throughout and latterly, part of his scripted mission was in giving actor Jason Rothwell with his ever-changing contradictory accounts of his role in the show some credibility. Incidentially, Curtis Media has rebranded himself as DJE Media and looks to have been moved onto his next assignment.
It’s now time to uncover the real Jason Rothwell and to expose him for the awful, depraved creature that he is. He preys on weak and vulnerable souls, those easily muddled and confused, people who have lost their capacity to see or feel clear light, manipulated by the false light of Lucifer. In his own words from years back: “Satan is not evil…..once the most beloved of all things….”. Basically, he’s bad news.
Neither Lancashire Constabulary nor the press collaborating together for the show they put on Sunday 19th February were acting on their own initiative. This is far bigger and more nefarious, all scripted! If you need a visual reminder of it being fake, it’s been very well explained by Ivy in her video below. This is what comes from their attempts at being greedy and needing to mock the public. They’ve been well and truly found out and continue to pursue a full cover-up.
Sunday’s theatre (19th February) - recap
You can also refer back to the section ‘Saturday - how it went down’ from my post on 19th May: ‘Saturday 18th February (Nicola Bulley): PPPPP’ if you’d like a reminder of the closest account that exists regarding how they duped the public as part of their final twisted ritual.
That Lancashire Constabuary had called out for a police helicopter that Saturday afternoon made it easy to pinpoint the time of their photoshoot with the aid of live tracking facility - the photoshoot involving just the photographer Chris Neill, a couple of actors and Jason Rothwell, all of whom return for the show the following day.
Sunday’s drama captured on film by Curtis on his first walk through was filmed at approximately 12.15pm shortly after the helicopter arrives overhead. Here it is again in it’s entirety for your viewing pleasure. Do watch how the crew to the right are just waiting for Curtis to come on stage as their signal to adopt their roles. The first actor policeman walks to the van while Curtis is theatrically intercepted by soon-to-be drone guy, with the second actor policeman holding tight for a moment or two then following, to allow Jason (with his sidekick Marie Sanderson) to strike a pose. The actor policeman - I love the pivot on one leg, so natural😂 - then turns back as Curtis walks on through up the road towards Hudsons Farm Fishery.
He subsequently filmed a short fourteen second helicopter clip he posted to his Youtube account that helpfully enabled us to know exactly the time of his movements from start to finish.
A disappointing result for all the hard work Chris Neill put into the professional photographs of Rothwell from the day before. Presumably it was hoped no-one would realise the police cars were different and hadn’t accounted for the fact that a hard to miss grey Mercedes van would be on the scene the next day (Sunday).
Unfortunately for them, what this means is there was no way they could include any reference to this crowning masterpiece to their investigation at the inquest itself. I like to think they’re still seething at this, given the fictional statement Jason Rothwell had had scripted for him could not be presented as ‘evidence’ as part of Dr James Adeley’s charade. Most of the public would have been suckered yet again of course and you’d be reading the same regurgitated crap in every media outlet in the country.
However, this doesn’t prevent the desperate attempts of Jason Rothwell to try and have his moment that he might consider was so unjustly taken away from him. He has recently been tweeting all about his fantasy, but I wonder does his handler know? Is this sanctioned or is he just unravelling?
Jason Rothwell - recent tweets (July 2023)
Time to break the spell that this creep has on too many people. With all the fake profiles and controlled opposition that swamp Twitter, I often dig into profiles that I come across by scanning their previous tweets and replies. What’s also often revealing are tweets that the individual has liked too and this is where Jason Rothwell’s (@jason_rothwell) shows what lies behind the façade.
I’ve never once come across it before on all profile reviews, but somehow it seemed to fit that this depraved satanic fraud’s twitter profile is strewn with what can only be described as gay porn. He reminds me of the internationally, renowned degenerate freak that is Sam Smith. What the hell even is that? The sickness and depravity in human society is perpetuated by controlled individuals like these, the latter who publicly proclaims to go by pronouns of ‘they/them.’ I’ll later provide a clue as to Jason Rothwell’s backstory that will go some way to indicating how he comes to be. For now he must be exposed, no longer an unnecessary distraction that he is so as to be able to continue on the right path in seeking justice for Nikki.
Let me remind you of the original farcical claims from that Sunday 19th February. The very next day Jason Rothwell posted a statement to Facebook that included the comments:
“It is also important to mention, I was not asked by the police or Nicola’s family to become involved in this case…….
….having previously assisted in the recovery of Michael Brooks, I decided to use whatever “gift” it is we mediums possess to try and locate Nicola Bulley.”
‘Someone’ asked me to help find her’ now is it? Really Jason? Who? Then this fake spiritualist, a total grifter, couldn’t even pass off the right day for when the moon was passing into Pisces and was called out on it. What a loser!
From a blog back on 23rd March I stated: “First reported as the discovery of a body by two dogwalkers at a remote location just off Rawcliffe Road, about a kilometre downstream of the river from St Michaels on Wyre. I’ll show that the timing points to foreknowledge, and foreknowledge means a set up.”
The truly gullible believed this idiot travelled fifty miles from Oldham to find a body in the reeds, put in a phone call and mobilised all the troops, a well-oiled machine just as if it was all planned and coordinated - which it was. The lies have continued thick and fast such as this gem dated 5th March. Remember he was never on the riverbank on the Sunday, these were just photos from the Saturday. Sunday he was by the side of the road for the one video scene with Curtis Arnold. That’s it. Nothing more. Then he was escorted away (before Curtis later returned back through the staged scene).
There has always been the need for them to eliminate the possibility of it being the site of a body dump* but even so the following narrative is breathtaking for it’s sheer audacity (*as I’ve stated before it was the perfect location for the stage show, there never being a body in the river). The poor fool started to introduce a notion of a body bobbing along downstream, however in March it was clearly too early still and even the most brainwashed weren’t ready to swallow this pivot. Jason Rothwell quickly retracted his statement pretending to have had his account hacked. Hilarious!
Undeterred and with the inquest having so quickly shown itself to be the failure that it is to complete the whitewash, he’s started tweeting to maintain the desperate illusion of the river narrative:
With a few months now having passed (and given most people are oblivious to events that occurred more than a few weeks prior) he’s striving to communicate the content of his false statement that Dr James Adeley would never have dared do in court. The reason for this is that Jason is of such low intelligence that in addition to emphasising the entire lie, he manages further self-incrimination not only of himself but also Marie Sanderson who according to Jason had taken make-believe photos of Nikki bobbing along the river (see tweet below). Meet Marie (LinkedIn profile), who follows Jason around like a poodle. It’s very strange.
She has a case to answer for in the real investigation that will subsequently take place.
Sticking with Jason Rothwell’s fantasy, with him doing his utmost to divert away from the inconvenient but incorrect notion that Nikki had been dumped in the reeds, he even claims to have touched her. This is awkward, not least against the original version of events that was meant to have involved a lengthy search by divers, with both a helicopter and drone assisting that then led into the dramatic breaking news coverage by the media of the search and subsequent recovery of a body.
There’s so much on his timeline, scroll to see the little scrote and his feeble and pathetic attempts to delude people. Just one more for now perhaps.
In the above tweet he is referring to Saturday afternoon (the images published from the photoshoot). We know this because if you simply look back to Curtis’ video from the Sunday (above), the trunk of the Ford Mondeo is still shut with the drone inside as yet unused. The entire set is purely for a roadside acting scene with Jason and Marie, after which their role is finished and they leave the area.
It wasn’t even the photographic (by Chris Neill) and video evidence (by Curtis Media) that originally tipped me off to understanding that while the theatre was performed on Sunday 19th February, it had to have had the photographs taken at a different time. However at this point - thanks to the idiotic idea to stage a helicopter way off in the background - it was easy to determine it was the Saturday afternoon. Here it is reproduced in the Daily Mail⬇😂
No, what first prompted a different perspective was Jason Rothwell himself. Obviously a fraud, but it was his lame attempts to unnecessarily provide himself an alibi of being elsewhere on the Saturday on his FB account that was just too suspicious to not think more laterally. See for yourself.
Jason Rothwell - poor liar and worse actor
He posted this early the Saturday morning (18th Feb) with a couple of additional posts, all before 9am:
“what falls one day shall rise the next”
“someone needs to be reminded today, they are not the same as those who bring them down or try to rain on their parade!”
Doubtful he’s ever been to Haworth (not Howarth) in Yorkshire, and he posted a screenshot from the internet rather than the typical photos (or selfies) he’s accustomed to. Schoolboy error! Also, read those two posts again. He’s referring to Nikki, knowing he will be at the agreed location in the afternoon to have his photograph taken in the different poses ahead of Sunday’s show.
Later the same Saturday evening at around 10pm - job done - he posts this to his FB account.
As a few commented, this is actually another internet image, but this time of the Valley of Lights in Italy (not the stunning views of the Rhonda Valley to Cardiff). What a loser!
Sunday morning itself at 8am, getting ready for showtime, he posts:
“Good morning all x out with the old in with the new”
Never darken my door Jason Rothwell you hideous fake. My gift to him is having now shared with you all (and his handlers) who know for the first time a big reason as to why it’s all unravelled.
As regards the clue to his backstory I mentioned earlier, I refer you to a Youtuber (Rainbow Storm) and provide a link to one of his videos. The image of Jason Rothwell is from approximately nine years ago and speaks to why he is where he is. Many of you will not be ready for this, so take it or leave it, however the first fifteen minutes is well presented to convey what we’re dealing with here.
Nikki’s body
I cannot end here without presenting a case for how Nikki’s body arrived at the morgue for identification and post-mortem, some of the details of which were then presented at the inquest.
Nikki never went into the river. Aside from the absurdity of it all, the thorough search confirming she was not there, the dimwits at Lancashire Police have proven the very fact from information they themselves have now shared from an examination of her Fitbit. Neither was she dumped into the river by the reeds to be used as a horrific prop for an amateurish attempt of pretending to recover a body. Details from the autopsy (blood, caked in mud, absence of signs of being dragged like a sack of potatoes) confirm this is clearly not the case.
Consitent with the principle of Occam’s razor and understanding they hide the truth about everything in plain sight, the simplest answer is usually correct. It’s not a coincidence that the same vehicle was incorporated into selected media video clips broadcast to the public, each one of the clips lasting just seconds. Not a coincidence at all. This shabby blue Peugeot Expert van below (1996-2006 model?) is seen arriving at Rawcliffe Road, reversing out from the actual scene near the layby, as well as finally leaving Rawcliffe Road at c. 2.10pm (with none other than covert operative Chris Neill right there to continue documenting this sick pantomime for his leaders). Find this van, you will find answers.
Arriving (Rawcliffe Road):
Reversing away from the scene:
Leaving Rawcliffe Road (👋Chris Neill🧐):
This, on the balance of probabilities, is the vehicle that in my opinion delivered Nikki’s body from ‘storage’ direct to the forensic tent that was erected prior to the grey Mercedes van subsequently leaving the site later on in the day with her body, headed toward the mortuary.
[UPDATE 13th July: I can scarcely believe but two days after posting this blog, by chance I came across the existing Peugeot Partner vehicles that Lancashire Police use for what is termed ‘scientific support’. Wow! So it would appear the above mystery blue van is a very old crime scene vehicle with the decals taken off. I had to include this update.]
It could also explain this photo of DSI Rebecca Smith when she attended the scene in advance of the scheduled announcement of a body having been recovered. This surely was the point when the shit just got real for her, with the sight of Nikki’s lifeless corpse bringing home the hard reality of the cover-up that she’d been charged to lead ever since 31st January (and still does to this day).
No-one is going to get in the way of justice being served, not least the likes of a demonic puppet in the form of Jason Rothwell who’s role has to be exposed for all who can see to see.
The abduction and murder of Nicola Bulley (part three) to follow.
I new this jason was a fraud forever changing his story .
Another great honest truthful transcript.
Well written. Well done ,keep up the good work.
Carnt wait for next one
Many concerned viewers were sold on Curtis beginning with the channel with Nicola’s name, the one which he started before she went missing. His narrative regarding the drain, which emptied into the river from Marsh Farm, became a popular theory; coincidentally the same drain is near where Rothwell allegedly saw her body floating. Additionally Curtis’ narratives regarding Penny & son, the caravan park, and the gate to Allotment Road and several others were, and still are, causing distraction. In the beginning, I was seduced by his unorthodox behavior and interesting theories, but gradually became suspicious that his narratives scripted. Your investigation is suburb!